Are you too good for God?

“But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.”
Phil 3:7

To faithfully follow Paul’s example we need to incorporate a habit of prayer and a manner of life that includes salvation (deliverance) from our good works, as well as our need to be saved from our bad works… that is our transgression of or lack of conformity to the Law of God (sin).

The latter speaks of indifference to God as we pursue a created consumptive god unto our Self and our ravenous Desires. The former attempts to approach God by prideful, self-sufficient merit. (“I did it My Way!) “Well, I tried anyway!” Either is devastating and falls short of demonstrative, saving Biblical faith. One pedals from God and the other pedals to God. Infinity times Eternity separates our greatest and cumulative attempts on our very best days.

    God said, “I AM THAT I AM!” And He did not say, “You Are as You Are and that’s good enough for Me!” Remember: “The redemption of a soul is costly.”

    True saving and sanctifying FAITH flees to and finds merit in Christ, and in the work and Person of Christ alone.

    “I count all things as loss for sake of knowing Christ…” 

    We actually can be “too good” for God in our own mind as we present our selves to the Savior similar to the Rich Young Ruler… “Lord, what one thing might I do to ensure heaven…?” He wanted a stacked deck in his favor by his standard, and not God’s decree revealed in the Garden.

    The answer of Jesus is still relevant and inclusive of us today, “Why do you call Me good? There is none good but God alone.

    “It is not the healthy who need a physician, it is the sick who need a physician. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”  The Friend of sinners.

    Come to Jesus. He is mighty to save.
